Online Casino Complaints

Players can leave any kind of complaints about any casino from our list here. You already know we value nothing more than feedback. Feedback is the foundation of any kind of evolution.

Now, this page is dedicated to customer complaints. Most companies try to avoid this part of business pretty much in the same way as people avoid taking out the rubbish. We know what happens, however, when you bury rubbish under the rug, which is why we aim to deal with issues sooner rather than later, ideally before they even come up. Like the man said: "Prevention is a thousand times better than treatment".

What Is This All About?

Whatever it is you are truly after, be it entertainment, profit, connections, a feeling or belonging, or enlightenment (whatever!), we think you are resourceful and independent enough to go out there and get it. After all, you wouldn't be here, reading up on the best online gambling resource out there if you weren't in the top 1%. However, we do know that what people hate the most is when some stupid technical thing or a conflict of interest distracts you from your goal. There’s nothing worse than going somewhere fast and then finding out you’re stuck because of something going wrong that shouldn’t.

We have created a complaints page with exactly that in mind. Your path to your goal should be as quick, clean, and clear as humanly possible. That is why we are here to get all the thorns out so you can enjoy the roses. Leave all your baggage with us (we are kind of like glorified butlers, in a sense), and set on your journey without distractions. The complaints that are left here will be moderated. We do ask that you state everything clearly and concisely so that we don’t have to take up additional time by contacting you only to fill in the gaps.

Why Choose This Way?

We believe firmly that good customer service is based on representative quantifiable data. Don't you? The assumption is the mother of all mistakes, right? There are very complex and industrious systems for measuring company ’performance, true. Still, we believe there is no more efficient and straightforward way of adapting and evolving than getting direct input from clients. By basing the lists we have on customer opinion we are able to reflect the consumer response and keep in touch with the ever-changing reality in the quickest way possible. The problem with the traditional instruments used for measuring public satisfaction is that, while they are very efficient, they still are based mostly on hypothetical and predicted values, which means they are bound to fail sooner or later. Because we work with genuine customer opinions, we are able to get ahead of the competition by quickly making sure that whatever chinks in our armor appear are closed on the spot. Go ahead and visit our page to make sure we do genuinely respond to every complaint that is recorded.

So why do we think it’s so important to deal with complaints on time? Here are the three whales of 21st-century customer complaint handling procedure in the business world.

They Help Us Educate Our Affiliates

We think it’s great that people complain. After all, they are just trying to make the world a better place. Honest, we’re not really sure why complaints are met with such hostility by most companies. We think that they are vital in identifying major areas of improvement. Getting complaints means that not only can one area be improved in a casino's structure, but also they can make conclusions about why what hasn't worked hasn't worked, and maybe‘ take another look at their strategy. That can prevent major mistakes happening in the future, which can save them millions. Thanks!

They Help Us Get Good Reviews

If we can turn negative reviews into positive (and negative reviews are a very dangerous thing), we are delighted. That means that we, and the casinos we work with, can extend our areas of influence by that one customer. Not only does that in bringing more revenue if you multiply a number of customers by their contribution, but also we like to think we are making history by recording client experience improvements and making the world a better place by helping people get a kick out of something that previously made them angry.

They Improve Brand Recognition

Reputation means everything. Everyone knows everyone in the global gaming community. 94% of start-ups go bankrupt in the first 10 years of getting off the ground. The reasons for that are many: ineffectiveness, bad thinking, inexperience…but we would say that a lion’s share of people’s trouble is bad rep, which spreads pretty much like a viral video. Empires can come down in a matter of hours. That’s why it’s so important to stay on top, up to date, and tuned in at all times.

How It Works

After a complaint is submitted, the website admin and the casino rep get an indication. If the casino does not resolve the complaint within 100 hours, the complaint gets labeled “unsolved”, and becomes visible to anyone visiting the site. Casino that has the greatest number of unresolved complaints goes down to the bottom of the list and risks getting blacklisted. So you see we have actually implemented a system that makes it possible to keep track of all the casinos that genuinely provide a good service - and that is based on your reviews.

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