What to Do When Casino Delays Your Payout?

I’ve written it many times before, and I’ll write even more – play only in RELIABLE casinos, but many gamblers can’t speak English, and don’t give a shit about it, but when there’s a large win and a support starts to fuck their brains – they start to move around and look how to withdraw their hard-won money. This will be the topic of this article.

So, first of all it is worth to understand whether this is a scam or they just deliberately delay the time of the withdrawal. To do this, open Google, enter the name of the casino, add “word reviews” and look at the first top 20 to find popular sites or forums with reviews of this casino.

At this stage you will already understand whether the casino pays or not, if not, then just forget it, you can go to the large forums and create a few topics named “casino is scam”, attach your screenshots, history, etc., in general – when starting the showdown with the casino, make screenshots of your account, of their rules, etc.

Further, if the casino pays – we go again to large resources, preferably which can be found in the top of the search of this casino, and it’s even more awesome if representative of the casino will answer you at forum! Next, create the theme “casino name – problems with payment!” For example, here: complaints on the casino.

After that, we write a letter to the support of the casino, it’s not necessary to be rude, just send them links on the topics and also write that in case they won’t pay you’ll send an email to the commission that issued them a license (if they have any) and to the license office as well.

Problematic casinos don’t like hype, so usually they immediately make payments to such players. But don’t even think about playing there one more time! After all, the goal of all these delaying is just one – to make you lose all the money! In general, I recommend that after the money is withdrawn, write angry review about this casino, with a description of the whole situation, if all people did like that, there would be less shitty casinos.

But usually it happens this way – player’s payment is delayed, he goes into ludo tilt and loses all his money, and there are some crazy guys who make ANOTHER DEPOSIT in this casino!!! Here is a quote from one topic at Never, the person created it, and then edited a lot, so I had to pull it out of Google cache, I don’t know, why he later deleted it, maybe because they finally started to pay or because he was an idiot, but read:

“I ordered the withdrawal of funds on 11/04/2015, the amount of 20K, today is 21.04.2015. The casino support either keeps silent or responds slippery – “”Withdrawal is in the queue”, “wait” and so on.

It’s not the first time – last month I was waiting for withdrawal for more than a month, when I found out they won’t pay I asked to return funds to the casino account, at least they returned the money, and I lost them all. Later I received 5K of withdrawal and now again silence. Taught by bitter experience, I recorded all the winnings in the video (bad quality, but still I got them) and screenshots, as well as saved information on payments to their side, and correspondence with support service for more than 2 years.

On the main page we can see beautiful words “Requests for withdrawals are processed in 1-6 hours during the day and in 6-12 hours during evening and at night”. In terms and conditions, which not everyone likes to read, it is stated “72 hours”, but in fact, almost 10 days passed and still silence – neither the replenishment of the wallet, nor the answer of their support. I will do everything possible to deliver the owner of this casino a full pack of problems, I hope for the help of people like me, guys, be careful when playing on this resource”.

They decided not to pay this guy, he lost everything, and then he made another deposit in the same casino! In short, I can’t understand his logic at all. In general, the main task is to raise as much hype as possible, go through all the forums, withdraw your money and no longer play in the shitty casino, and after the withdrawal you must leave feedback on this bullshit casino on all the top resources!

p.s. If you have problems with some casino – send me your story, you may find my contacts on the “About Me” page (below) and I will publish it as a separate post!

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